Explaining Pretend Play For Parents and Carers

Explaining Pretend Play For Parents and Carers

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This book is soft cover; 31 pages; 210mm x 210mm.


This book is written to increase parents and carer’s knowledge of pretend play. It explains for parents and carers what pretend play is and why it is an important type of play for children. Pretend play is also called imaginative play or make-believe play. It doesn’t look important but there are skills involved in pretend play that are important for language, social capability, learning at school, and self-regulation.


What pretend play looks like is explained through the voice of Molly. Molly is 4 years 10 months old. Molly talks about what she is playing. The book is illustrated with photos of play scenes Molly creates. This also provides for parents and carers examples of the types of objects and toys that promote pretend play. Molly has a little brother aged 18 months and an older sister who is 7 years old. Molly also has a friend at preschool who she likes to play with. Molly’s friend at preschool finds pretend play a little bewildering and Molly shifts her play, so her friend enjoys play as well. A short explanation is given about how to support children like Molly’s friend so they can enjoy play with others.


Why pretend play is a valuable ability in childhood is explained in-between stories of Molly’s adventures in play. These ‘why’ pages are on blue coloured pages and explain for parents and carers what skills Molly is using as she plays. Explanations of pretend play include the skills used in play as well as how these skills contribute to learning at school.


The story of Molly’s adventures in play can also be read to children as a story. For parents and carers who would like more information, there is a bibliography in the back of the book. At the back of the book are also tips for how parents and carers can support their child’s play at home.




About the Author

Karen Stagnitti PhD, BOccThy, GCHE. Karen is an occupational therapist by training who has a very strong interest in children’s play. Find out more about Karen

Additional Information

  • ISBN 978-0-9944648-1-1